
Monday, 27 November 2017

In the Weekend

in the weekend I had to play with the toys and my mum clan the house when I didn't clan it up and my brother did not play with the toys and I didn't play with my toys again and my mum was so happy because me and my brother did not mess the house up and I get to go on my mums tv and I was playing on movie star planet and I got very happy and My brother went on to and Today I get to go on my mums TV and my mum is so proud of me because I went to school and I am so happy because I went to school and I get to watch anything and I watched sis vs bro and my brother wanted dinosaurs and I did not like the movie and I was listening because my brother did not have the ear phones on him to Then it was my turn on my mums tv.


Thursday, 26 October 2017

Playtime with my friends

When the bell reings at school me and my friends were playing a game it was called Tate and it was a scerey game too.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

In the holidays

Me and my baby brother and sisters were playing with the toys and my baby brother pushed the toys over and he did not clean it up then my mum had to clean it up.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

My Holiday.

These Holidays I am going to play with my sister out side. I haveto clean my house then I can go to play with my sister and my cat too.when I am Finish playing with my sister and cat I am going to Read my books.Then I am going on my mums To watch a movie on my mums laptop.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Dear politicians

Dear politicians,
 I want New Zealand to be a wonderful country to live in. Some things need to change. people need money so people get healthy food for  themselves. people need children and to have a family. they need a house to be in and they need their cups to drink with water to and no sharing food at school you will waste your food.
yours sincerely,


Wednesday, 6 September 2017

The Stardome.

when it was the stardom on Thursday I didn't come because I was sick.then I went to my nanas house and I had some medicine then I went back to my mums house and I feet happy and I got to go to school and play with my friend Kamar-Jade.

Monday, 7 August 2017


Today room 25 is been learning about shadows are talking about shadows the sun always shines and every day the sun goes down at night.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Visiting Team 5

This morning room 25 went to visiting team 5 they showed us everything room 25 saw everything we have been so happy with what we saw I liked everything.


Tuesday, 13 June 2017



when I go home after school I go to my nanas house and I play a game with my baby brother because he nas to play my game you have to throw the Bol and my game is called cach.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

The Museum.


on Thursday we went to the museum on the bus we got out of the bus and went in the museum we saw a volcano we also saw the tree house.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017


Moe went to do weaving moe market 1thing and he made it all by his sof and then he was finished and then the man gave him a bag to put his toys in.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


today I feel happy because my fred is at school and I play with her and me and Kama- jada.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

In the holidays.

On the holidays I went to my mums house and my mum says to not mess up the house. And my mum said it to my sisters. And I get to stay at my mums house but my dad is not allowed in the house and I care about him.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

New Blog

I have a blog of my own.